Why Exercise Matters!
It can help you live a longer, healthier life because it can:
Keep your bones, muscles, and joints healthy
Make you less likely to have things like diabetes, colon cancer, and osteoporosis
Lower your blood pressure
Manage stress and improve your mood
Ease symptoms of anxiety and depression
Lower your chances of heart disease
Manage chronic conditions like arthritis or diabetes by helping with things
like stamina, joint swelling, pain, and muscle strength
Help with your balance, so you're less likely to fall and break bones
How Much Exercise?
As you get older, you may be a bit afraid of exercise. Maybe you think you might
hurt yourself or that you have to join a gym. Or you may not be sure what
exercises you should do.
The key isn't how or where you get active, it's just to start moving.. To help you get started on an exercise program. contact me today!
Your Health Coach, Christine!